Friday 14 November 2008

Views from Nsanga

The approach to Nanga. You have to leave your car on the tarmac road and walk a kilometer up a dirt track and over a flimsy log bridge to reach the school. In this view, on the way to the school, you can see a new earth road to a section of mountainside being opened up for housing and farming.
The old part of Nsanga school in the distance. All the old mud-brick and tile schools seem to blend seamlessly into the countryside of eucalyptus, banana trees and little cottages.

The stunning view from the school. (Double click on this to enlarge it). You can see the new tarmac road to Ngororero, the brown river Nyaborongo in the background. You can see a fork with an earth road - that is the very start of the 50 kilometer run up dirt tracks to Nyabinoni secteur. The new looking building is Rugendabari secteur admin office.

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